Thursday, April 7, 2011

Portals! Portals! Portals! Part one:

Pounding house music vibrates my chair through the floor.  It's Club Cody night downstairs again, so i make a 2 Live Crew Pandora station to fight back, crank it, and get to work on the next sessions preparation.

My prep for any given session is almost always minimal, but my player's have chosen a path that has forced homework upon me.  Deciding the best way to find out where the missing princess is would be to begin randomly portal jumping until they find her, they are now exploring a sprawling ancient portal system.  I therefore need enough portal locals written down to justify this.  So far I have 50, some mundane, some borrowed (stolen) from other places.  Here are a few of my own:

1:Center of the World
  This portal drops them out in warrens tunneled out at the center of the world.  An ancient gnomish civilization resides here.   The tunnels in this portion of the complex are only accessible by the wisest, oldest, and usually most senile of the gnomes.  The walls of the tunnels are lined with para-scopes and listening horns.  Here the revered ancient gnomes observe all things that happen in the world and record them.  The gnome the pc's run into is the most senior Horace Longtooth.  Also known as Glittershoes, for the dancing prowess of his youth, the pc's will find it impossible to get any valuable information from him.  His mind constantly wanders from the topic at hand to the delicious rutabaga pies Mrs. Crownsworth bakes in the city of New Dawn, or some minor tryst he observed, and other such inconsequential things.

2. The Forgotten One
  This portal comes out into a grand ice tower.  This is the dwelling of Dul Guron, the once might god of wintery death.  Now with the advent of fire by man,  his powers have dwindled greatly and he has become just another lowly old man winter.  He is a sad depressed old man, but any exposed flames in his presence will send him into an insane fit of rage, in which he will attack the offender with all that remains of his powers, summoning icy minions to destroy them.

3:  The Brass City of the Djinn
   Basic and has been done I know, but there is a slight twist.   All desires spoken of aloud here are granted as per the wish spell.  Unfortunately wishes may only be made in the brass city with a permit granted by the insanely boring and overcomplicated bureaucracy that runs this place.  Any who do not have the permit are captured by the guards of the city.  Punishment usually consists of a geas to rescue and free a djinn who has been imprisoned on the prime material...usually in the form of a ring of wishes or magic lantern.  Extra Dungeon Master points if you can avoid doing a stereotypical bad taxi driver impression or Robin Williams, while your players speak to the djinn.

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