Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Carcassonne Hex Mapping

My opponent stares across at me, grizzled face set in a look of intense concentration.  He considers the piece he just pulled, seeking the advancement of the kingdom.  He is the wily veteran, and he is a truly worthy foe.  As I sit, being soundly defeated by the man who taught me everything I know about gaming, my thoughts begin to drift, searching for purpose in these small squares of cardboard.

Hex-mapping Using Carcassonne
This is a real rough draft that I am writing stream of consciousnesses. It definitely needs some more flesh on the bones.

It's simple to use, you can simply pull a tile, put it in the hex on your map that makes the most since and repeat.  I only have the game with the river expansion, but I am sure the expansions could make this system more elaborate, maybe someone could expand on this idea that has them.

City Pieces:
When you place a new city piece roll to see what type of settlement is.  This will also decide how many more city pieces to add to this construction if possible.

1-8 Small Town (2 squares total)
9-15 Large Town/Small City (3-4 squares total)
16-20 Large city (5-6 Squares total)

Roads of 1-2 tiles are trails or cart paths, probably poorly patrolled or forgotten.
Roads of 3 or more tile lengths are major roads, well patrolled and traveled.
Small clusters of buildings at intersections of the road:
1-5 Small hamlet
6-10 An inn
11-14 A cathedral or shrine (70% Good aligned/30% Evil Aligned)
15-18 A toll collector
19-20 A small bandit camp

These will be the sites of interests in the area.  Dungeons, crypts, secret seats of malign power, whatever you decide to send your adventurers into.

The Plains in between should be filled with whatever type of scenery you decide is appropriate for the area (forests, hills, plain etc.)

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